为大家分享的的动态菜单代码如下JS打字效果的动态菜单 **** TELETYPE MENU V1 **** 16K RAM SYSTEM 7892 BASIC BYTES FREE READY. Hello. Please select an option: You have 3 messages waiting. I have always worried about my size. 3 months ago I found The Extender. I could not believe the results of this device. I am back to wearing it again and I'm still getting larger! My girlfriend says it is the best product I've ever bought. YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT ITYOU'VE READ ABOUT ITYOU'VE SEEN IT ON TVAND NOW IT'S FINALLY HERE!THE MOST EFFECTIVE WEIGHT-LOSS INGREDIENT EVER TO HIT THE MARKET IS NOW AVAILABLE FROM NITHRUTHON!!!! Get the Finest Rulex Watch Replica!- Replicated to the Smallest Detail- 98% Perfectly Accurate Markings- perfect as a gift for your colleagues and friends- free gift boxMake your order before the prices go up!!!!! There are no items to show in this view. Yes I know, I should upgrade... 404 error... Color schemes And why use a GUI when you can perl -e '$n=1; while ($n++) {print "\n$n" if ("p" x $n) !~ /^((p)\2+)\1+$/ and "$n" eq reverse "$n"}'? [an error occurred while processing this directive] Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum. I think that I think, therefore I think that I am. Computer's rule: My computer is always right, the human is always the problem .. See Rule #1 --Best viewed on my computer.··